While it may seem tedious and time-consuming to use the phone for acquisition, it can be a powerful weapon if used wisely, for example for follow-up.

The first few seconds of a call are crucial; they influence the rest of the conversation and determine success or failure. Just like in a face-to-face meeting, you have to make a good impression from the start, because the form is at least as important as the content.

Here are our tips for increasing your chances of success.

1. Set a goal for yourself

It is important to know why you are calling. When it comes to setting up a meeting, you should keep this goal in mind during the conversation. Your caller should not control the exchange; you should.

2. Get ready

A telephone conversation cannot be improvised and it is preferable to take the time to write a script so as not to forget any steps and to put all the chances on your side to reach your objective:

  • Welcome to
  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain the reason for the call
  • To find out more
  • Make an appointment
  • Close


The speech should be neither too long nor too short, and should not sound mechanical, but natural!

3. Be smiley and optimistic

It is not crazy to say that a smile is also visible on the phone, a positive attitude and a reassuring tone of voice will only put the prospect at ease and make him listen more willingly, he needs to feel that his interlocutor is open, welcoming and confident. Don’t speak too loudly or too softly, too quickly or too slowly, be as clear as possible and make sure you articulate well.

4. Be open

The goal is to find out more, make a connection and, if possible, make an appointment. We try to ask open-ended questions that encourage the caller to open up and not run away from the conversation. In return, we listen carefully and with empathy to better understand the caller’s problems and to think about the solution we can offer.

5. Remain confident and calm

Even if we are as efficient as possible on the phone, we will receive rejections. Some people don’t want to be bothered, others have received too many calls or are simply in a bad mood. It is therefore important not to lose motivation and to continue the efforts, they will eventually pay off! Remote monitoring requires patience and self-control in order not to lose your temper.

Plus d’informations

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les meilleurs prestataires de services à la clientèle, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Vous devrez remplir le formulaire fourni sur notre site Web.



1-866-885-5750 | info@prospecto.ca

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