We talk a lot about attracting visitors, attracting customers, converting leads and speeding up the sales cycle, but one element that is even more important is nurturing the relationship with your customers in order to keep them loyal.
Customer loyalty is essential in inbound marketing. It is an integral part of the “enthusiasm” phase of the inbound marketing methodology.
It is often neglected, but it is the basis for the growth of any company. Your satisfied customers talk about your brand, promote it and defend it. They become real advertising vehicles for your company.
In fact, 23% of customers who have had a positive experience with a company’s customer service will tell 10 or more people about it. That number jumps to 50% for dissatisfied customers. The moral of the story? The famous quote “Whether you talk about it well or poorly, the important thing is to talk about it” is more than outdated!
How to excite your customers?
- Knowing how to stay tuned
To satisfy your customers, you need to know what they think of you! Monitoring social media is a good way to get a feel for your brand. You can also survey your customers to find out how you can better satisfy them. Find out what problems they have so you can address them and improve your customer service.
Satisfied employees, satisfied customers!
Your most important audience is your internal audience: your employees. How can they excite customers if they are not happy and satisfied themselves? 68% of customers leave a company because they feel that the employees do not care about them. A company lives on a climate of fulfillment, happiness and satisfaction among its employees.
Customer retention vs. customer acquisition
Did you know that it costs 5 to 10 times more to acquire a new customer than to keep one? That’s right, retaining customers costs less and is more profitable for the company. In addition, the cost of selling to a new customer is 7 to 20 times higher than the cost of selling to an existing customer. These figures show that it is worthwhile to focus more of your marketing efforts on customer retention. So take care of your customers by providing them with quality content that will help them solve their problems.
Don’t think of “enthusiasm” as the last step in inbound marketing. On the contrary, it’s what underpins all your marketing efforts at all stages of the inbound methodology. Get your customers talking about you, make them proud to do business with you! Don’t forget that word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool.
In short, if you focus your efforts on customer retention and customer service, you will gain a pool of willing ambassadors who will work for you on an ongoing basis. Who could say no to that? If you are interested in the topic of customer retention, this e-book will certainly be of use to you!
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