Customer follow-up, an important strategy in your sales process

sales process strategy

The follow-up of prospective customers is a marketing maneuver whose importance is no longer to be demonstrated. But, you still need to know how to proceed, and this is the most important thing if you want to succeed in this practice.

There is no company that does not have inactive customers, customers who have not shown up for a few months, and sometimes even for many years.

Trying to revive amorphous customers is trying to resurrect their desire.

In order to do this, you should think about reactivating them by implementing targeted relaunch campaigns. The majority of relaunching techniques use the sending of e-mails, which is the least expensive process. For example, you can send your passive customers a questionnaire to fill out to try to find out why they are not interested. This will help you to improve your products and services.

But the follow-up will not be limited to sending emails. If you want your follow-up campaign to succeed, it would be wise to diversify the means of this follow-up, to use other techniques: telephone calls, invitation to a trade show.

You should also persevere by reminding the customer regularly, once a month, for example. It would also be better to diversify the approaches, to innovate each time, otherwise your customer will be more and more disinterested.

You can, for example, present your customer with real-time information about your product and the market, and show him the advantages he could gain if he takes action quickly.

For example, try to offer them a promotion: discount, personalized offer, free delivery, promo code… This will encourage them to act and buy again.

Re-establish contact with dormant customers for a good sales process

You can also re-establish contact with “dormant customers” who have only made a few purchases from you, by preparing a review of their previous activities, showing them that they exist for you, that you are interested in them, that they are still important in your eyes and for your company.

It’s a way to prove to them that they are much more than a name in your customer directory.

You can send your inactive customers personalized follow-up emails as if they were close friends. You can opt for less formal content that is humorous or affectionate to show them that you miss them.

This may encourage them to come back to you, maybe not immediately, but they will remember you and maybe think of your company when they decide to buy a product or request a service.

Review your sales process strategy.

But you should also question everything if you notice that you have a lot of inactive customers. This is a sign that should challenge you.

In other words, you have a small problem somewhere in your company. It may be a mismatch between what you offer and what your customers really want.

It could be that your pricing policy is not very interesting, or your customer service is not very good, or your marketing strategy is not well thought out, etc. You need to review all of this and analyze the situation of your company.

In sum

In short, reviving your passive, apathetic prospects will help to optimize your business and improve your turnover quickly while curbing your marketing costs.

But to turn the situation around, you can always call on our Prospecto call center. Our agents, who are true specialists in the field, will be able to advise you and offer you the most appropriate solutions to recover the maximum number of customers.

Votre extreprise : axée sur votre croissance des ventes

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