How customer service saves the world

As of September 15, 2018, teletherapy is covered by Medicare. These remote consultations, which are done via video conferencing, are reimbursed at the same rate (70%) as a consultation in a local family physician’s office.

This event is not only a recognition of the reliability of remote diagnosis, but also of the quality of the relationships that can be established without physical contact.

And all of this is very good news for customer service.

Customer service saves the world and recognized as a charitable organization

It’s not a matter of imagining that access to my Internet operator’s customer service will be reimbursed by social security tomorrow. We are not there yet! Even if an Internet connection is just as important for today’s man as health.

This is good news for customer service, we say, because it adds value and social value to remote diagnosis.

And what is customer service today if not a remote diagnostic center?

Customer service saves the world by taking care of customers for therapeutic purposes

A customer encounters a difficulty, a problem with a product or a service of a particular brand. He explains his problem to a consultant by phone, e-mail or email. The consultant asks him (the consultant!) to try to identify the cause of the problem (the disease!).

Let’s not dramatize, in general it is much less serious than the worries that lead us to consult a doctor. In most cases, the counsellor will propose a solution (prescription!) at the end of the diagnosis.

Customer service and angels

The customer advisor would be a kind of family doctor for products and services. The doctor treats the body, the customer advisor treats our little worries with everyday objects and services. Sometimes he also saves souls…

Who has never been in complete despair after losing their internet connection and feeling like they came back to life after their customer service intervention restored it?

All you had to do was reboot the box…

Customer service saves the world by being environmentally friendly

Customer service representatives save souls, but sometimes they also save the planet. Remote customer service diagnostics can sometimes save an appliance that would otherwise have been discarded. It also eliminates the need for a technician to travel when the trip is optimized.

Less waste, less emissions…… Customer services are real-world green players.

Customer service recognized in general…

This view of the customer service profession, which is certainly a bit idealized, is important. The profession still receives little attention. The type of activity is repetitive and stressful. But wouldn’t a general practitioner use the same two adjectives to talk about their profession?

In both cases, it is an activity that consists in suppressing oneself in order to be of service to others. At a time when everyone is trying to give meaning to their profession, isn’t there a more noble mission? (I heard someone ask, “Do we get a bonus for this?”).

Conclusion takeaway

The next time you write an ad to recruit counselors for your customer service department, be sure to write it this way: Your mission will be to serve others and the planet to save the world and souls. Restaurant tickets included.



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