Call centers must invest in new technology

Last year was a year of big changes, but this year is a year of new technologies. Call centers will need to embrace new technologies this year to meet the ever-increasing demand:

  • Improving customer satisfaction with digital tools
  • An increasingly digital and human customer relationship

These changes induced by digitalization force us to rethink our business processes: customer relations. What about traditional business and communication channels like call centers? How will human relationships evolve in a fully digitized world?

The introduction of the digital system does not mean that human relationships will be abandoned. Call centers will need more people than ever before in 2019. Even as consumer habits change and move more and more toward digitalization, maintaining human interaction remains essential. Moreover, a study conducted by Mckinsey shows that 80% of respondents want to maintain human interaction.

This may seem paradoxical when the same study shows that 90% of people do not like call centers. This bad image of offshore outsourced services has clearly affected the profession. Despite this image, the desire to interact remains essential to the quality of the customer experience, but leaves no room for error.

Reputation is an important factor for companies today. Therefore, it is important to choose the right call center.  This begs the question of how call centers will continue to renew themselves in 2019 and offer a high degree of satisfaction,

Call centers closer to the citizen this year and invest in new technology

This year, call centers will have to challenge themselves and multiply their channels with digital technologies. But as McKinsey’s research shows, call centers will need to keep the human touch this year.

With 35 years of experience, we know that human relationships are critical to business. Whether it is after-sales service, prospecting or technical hotline, a call center must be supported by qualified personnel. If we take ourselves as an example, we have agronomists who answer customer service questions. Our employees know the environment in which they work

In addition, personalization with all the marketing tools of automation is still important today. Whether it is after-sales service or prospecting, personalization of the offer or service is one of the most important aspects of customer satisfaction.

Today, we are convinced that by next year, call centers must be able to understand customer expectations. Whether they are prospects, leads or existing customers, a personalized offer is always expected. This allows to get an exact answer or proposal to an expectation or request.

Delivering a personalized customer experience should be an important part of your strategy. Yes, the deployment of call centers like ours in the next year must be an integral part of an overall strategy. Whether it’s sales or marketing, this strategy must pay off for you, your prospects and your customers.

Call centers next year: a profitable business tool to invest in new technology

Telephone prospecting or telephone support can involve considerable costs for a company. We need suitable premises and qualified personnel to meet our customers’ expectations. Outsourcing your call center may therefore seem like a cost-effective solution as you will not have these additional fixed costs.

Outsourcing your call center next year can allow you to work in a campaign mode, which reduces your costs.  By operating in a “campaign” mode, you can skillfully juggle business development and technical services.

The call centers next year can measure for you the cost of a lead and how much a potential customer would cost you. With this approach you can visualize and compare the profitability of a call center.

Profitability is not only measured from an economic point of view. Whether it is for prospecting or technical support, having a contact who knows what we are talking about increases customer satisfaction. The higher the customer satisfaction, the more likely they are to come back to you.

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understanding a call scriptsincerity in the customer relationship