Excellent presentation skills and a good product certainly help sell. But that may not be enough. It is also necessary to master certain rules when talking on the phone, as this is usually the first step in prospecting for customers.

The good performance of the salesperson in his calls is fundamental to be able to schedule the visit with the prospect and, with that, establish criteria for his calls – knowing with whom and how to talk, and what to say, will help him to open the doors of the buyer’s business.

Don’t even know where to start? Then take a look at the list we’ve just put together, with 6 tips for successful telephone prospecting.


Before you call a potential customer, do your homework, learn about the company and any news related to what they sell. Keep in mind that any additional data can greatly help your sales pitch. Has the prospect made a new investment, entered into a promising partnership, launched an innovative product or service? You need to know.

Also, try to figure out who you’ll be talking to in the company. Have you ever considered that the B2B sales cycle is more complex and may involve several decision makers until the sale is actually closed? So, to optimize your work and the potential customer’s time, make sure the person you’re going to talk to has decision-making authority or, at least, is very close to the person who gives the final approval.



If the purpose of the contact is to schedule a visit, don’t start offering product details over the phone. Explain the reason for your contact, who you are, what your business is and what kind of solutions you have to offer. Not much more, not much less. Try to generate interest for a more in-depth conversation to achieve your goal: the actual visit.

Be sure to get off the phone with a scheduled date and time, making yourself available for the prospect to make contact whenever they want. And don’t forget to kindly confirm the appointment the day before. But this confirmation doesn’t have to be done over the phone, okay? Send an e-mail or a text message. This will prevent the prospect from wanting to stay in touch only by phone.


When you call the prospect, instead of offering exact times, offer broken times, with minutes. Trust me: this detail will give the feeling that the meeting will be brief and objective. So, instead of scheduling a meeting at 10 a.m. sharp, how about 10:20 a.m.? Also, be sure to arrive at least 5 minutes early to show a real interest in the prospect. At the same time, avoid arriving too early so as not to show too much anxiety. And being late is not even a possibility, okay?


Since modern professional’s schedules are increasingly full of commitments, it is ideal to always offer at least two time options for visits. This way, your chances of getting an appointment increase considerably. Properly applied, this technique can encourage the client to give a positive response. How about the following pitch: “Would you prefer our quick meeting at 10:45 a.m. or 2:20 p.m.?

Alternating between morning and afternoon periods also helps the prospect organize and prioritize their activities on the scheduled date. Just be sure to stick to the time set, so you don’t get caught up in other commitments and arrive at the wrong time!


Set a time each day to make your calls, preferably choosing the time when you are most productive. For example, if you tend to cut into your work time around 3 p.m., schedule your calls earlier. In any case, regardless of the time you choose, make sure you have enough time to call back customers you couldn’t reach the first time.

Also, when making these calls, avoid picking up other people or leaving other devices on. Turn down the volume on internal chat notifications, put the phone on silent and close the email tab. After all, it’s much easier to lose focus if you’re keeping an eye on your inbox or a colleague is calling you insistently on chat.


Define the number of calls you need to make, as well as the number of visits you need to schedule to close the necessary sales and reach your monthly goal. With this number in mind, don’t stop calling until you’ve reached your call quota for the day. In this case, using business process management tools to metric your results is a great initiative.

More information

If you would like to know more about the best customer service providers, please do not hesitate to contact us. You will need to fill out the form provided on our website.


1-866-885-5750 | info@prospecto.ca

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