Outside of certain industries and business models, customer service is usually done over the phone. When the customer service we provide to our customers is not good enough, we tend to assume that the responsibility lies solely with those tasked with providing phone support. Nothing could be further from the truth.

While it’s possible that our telephone customer service staff can, through hard work, correct some of our company’s shortcomings, it’s more likely that the causes of poor customer service lie within the company’s own structure.

How can you make your telephone customer service a success?

While there’s more to it than that, it seems crucial to have a team that is truly trained to provide the best service possible. This includes assembling a staff that is fully knowledgeable about the company, its products and the services it offers. Enough knowledge to answer general questions and to know what to do in specific cases. On the other hand, they should also have a close, empathetic and friendly attitude towards the customer. If you are nice to the customers, everything becomes easier.

Our company philosophy must consider the customer as something really fundamental. Although it seems too obvious, many companies neglect their customers, even though they know the power they have over the customer as a provider of a product or service.

The company must want to do this, it must “spoil” you. It must not only provide assistance when there is a real problem, but also put quality processes in place to overcome those problems and resolve them in a preventive manner. It’s about being proactive with customers and not just reacting passively when they are concerned.

The company must establish sufficient procedures to ensure good customer service. This aspect goes hand in hand with the previous one: if we can anticipate the difficulties customers will face, we can offer them better responses and faster solutions, formalized in highly regulated processes.

We know that customer service is at the heart of any business. Learn more about our world-class customer service solutions here.

Technology is the key to customer service success

However, the crucial factor, which sort of encompasses the above points, is the technology factor. If we don’t have an excellent technical solution to realize all of our ideas, no matter how effective and well-intentioned, we will eventually fail. For an efficient and quality telephone service, our company’s telephone communication is essential.

In a company with more than two employees, for example, it is important to intelligently allocate your calls to a queue or to filter them by department through a menu of options. It’s inconvenient for the customer to call blindly when they know in advance that they want to talk about billing. It would be much easier for you to filter your call by selecting the “Billing” section of a menu.

In this area, it is also important that the company’s departments are connected and can transfer calls so that the customer spends as little time as possible. In other cases, not all companies can offer 7×24 service, so other packages must be used so that after-hours calls can be handled conveniently.

All of these value-added services were, until recently, prohibitively expensive for small businesses due to the high cost of equipment. With the virtual switchboard solution, the technical factor is simply taken into account for the profitability of the business.


Integrating VoIP and CRM improves productivity and call quality.

Optimizing and synchronizing customer relationship-based business systems offers more than immediate benefits such as cost savings. By reducing the need to rely on human memory and automating the customer calling process, companies can obtain more accurate and reliable data for customer management.

The time spent searching for the customer’s contact information and following the call script is reduced.

With some CRM software, VoIP calls can even be integrated with websites, so an employee doesn’t need to sit at a desk or use a specific phone to communicate with customers. Calls can be made and received from any browser on a desktop or laptop computer.

With browser-based and application-based notifications, an employee will never again miss a call or forget to call back an important customer or partner.

This integration also enables full caller ID functionality. For example, agents can greet customers by name, as this information is automatically retrieved in advance from the CRM software. Sales and customer service agents can even view the complete transaction history with a particular customer without asking for details such as account numbers.

If you are looking for a partner with the best telecommunications technology to outsource your customer service, please contact us.

Improve your relationship with your customers

In an increasingly competitive business environment, quality customer service can mean the difference between a successful business and a mediocre one. Therefore, integrating CRM software with VoIP operations offers benefits in terms of improved customer service and relationship management. Such integration offers both short-term and long-term benefits, making it a win-win situation for businesses that want to succeed with their customer calls.

And finally.

Of course, there is no great equation or formula to help us build the best customer service system, although these tips can be very helpful given the specifics of our business and industry.

Plus d’informations

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les meilleurs prestataires de services à la clientèle, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Vous devrez remplir le formulaire fourni sur notre site Web.



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